Friday, June 15, 2007


Well it's finally here! MOVING DAY(S)!

Today the new phone number, internet and DSL TV are being hooked up at the new place! So we can finally move in and be rid of this cursed apartment. We have to get "new" keys cut (See a couple of posts before for further explanation) and move in our furniture.

So obviously it's gonna take more than a day to move... Tomorrow I'm working but in the evening its back to moving things and Sunday it's the grande finale.... the U-Haul is being rented. There's just a few things you can't fit into a Hyundai Accent lol...

After we get moved into the new place and settled we still have work to do here. In our lease it says that we have to shampoo the carpets... and of course the bathroom has to be cleaned and the dreaded non-self-cleaning oven has to be cleaned (Uuurrrggg!.... I think I'd rather be shot). We also have a bit of touch-up painting to do. Living in a place for 2 years leaves a few nicks, dings and bangs... but we'd like to get our damage deposit back (so there's sneakiness involved).

We'll I'm off to shower and get down to the new place... I might not be back for a few days.... but that's ok because I'll be in my new apartment all tucked in!

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