Thursday, June 14, 2007

Summer Reading Project....

I like to read... some may call me a geek others a nerd or a Bibliophile if they're real up-to-date on the lingo; however, I just like to read, plain and simple.

These are the books I recently bought to read this summer. I like to read true stories so 2 of these books (28 Stories of AIDS in Africa and a long way home) are true stories. About AIDS and the story of a boy soldier in Africa. I know they will rip my heart out but I still can't wait to read them. These types of books always make me thankful for what I have in my life.

The best life diet is a book that intrigued me. I'm hoping to lose some weight and maybe this will help. It has an excellent forward written by Oprah (I have read that part) and I think I'm going to enjoy it.

The Memory Keeper's Daughter is based on a true story about a Dr. that delivers his wifes' babies only to tell her their daughter (from a set of twins that was thought to be a singleton birth) died. In fact she had downs syndrome and he sent her to a home with one of his nurses. Little does he know the nurse keeps the baby. (and that's about as far as I've gotten). It's a little dry but I'm only just getting started! I'll give it a little more time yet.

The last book is the five people you meet in heaven and it's by the author who wrote Tuesday's with Morrie (Mitch Albom). I wasn't going to buy this book but I've been assured it was a great read so we'll see. It's not a long book either, only 200ish pages so on a good day it's a go!

Well I'm off to work... just thought I'd let you in on my Summer Reading.... I'd love to hear what you like to read too.... what have you challenge yourself to read this summer and why?

(I have decided to join the Summer Reading Challenge that I found... here's the badge... click on it and it'll take you to the homeblog)

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