Saturday, April 28, 2007

Friendship Friday... the how to/ all about story!

So here's the deal... each week I'll post a topic about friendship and you'll share your story on your own blog. Then you'll link your story to my Friendship Friday by posting on the Mister Linky.

I didn't really have a good plan for this week. So, for next week I have a specific topic and you have 6 days left to think about it!!!

"What is your favourite thing to do with your friends and why? Share and we'll see how many new ideas we can try with our own friends."

So remember this will be for next Friday, May 4th (I think lol)

Hopefully next week somebody will sign my Mister Linky!!! and we'll create some new friendships even if they are only "cyber friends"

P.S. Feel free to use the Friendship Friday banner I found... I found it from another site that said feel free to use the banner so I guess that makes it shareware! I'm sure I'll hear otherwise if it's not!

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